Work in Progress in FNAF Fandom Foundry

Share anything you like to us!

Who let the Fox out?!
Who, who, who, who, who?

What do you think of the BETA Bonnie Design looking here? The remastered pack features beta design that looks not bad, what do you say? we can use all beta so the game could get alittle original with the designs too.

and there will also be Golden Freddy's

I updated the Main Menu

He looks creepy in the office


Foxy's Pirate Cove and Game Area, i guess im gonna call it all GameArea in the game. Still very WIP and looking if it's going to look any good. What to do you think? Gonna again move some things and the arcade machines will be textured at some point too.

Count... Your... Hours...

Abandmatronics - Roblox

last wip

also goood night my deers...

i have to stop with that unfunny deer jokes

Making a new remodel of office already!


New Looks for the UI elements, cameras are looking even closer to what we want. What do you think so far?