General in Transformers
Calling all Transformers! Probably the last Transformers Legacy United Wave 4 figure was revealed, that being the Leader Class G1 Soundwave! He comes with three Tapes, Buzzsaw, Ravage and Rumble! What do you think?
Calling all Transformers fans! The Transformers Legacy United Voyager Class Animated Uni. Motormaster was also revealed!! This is actually pretty good looking imo. What do you think?
Calling all Transformers fans! Transformers Generations Comic Edition Xaaron And Flame 2-pack got revealed! I personally have no idea who these 2 are, so...yeah. What do you think?
Calling all Transformers fans! Legacy United Leader Class Armada uni. Galvatron was revealed! He's got a new head and I gotta say that he looks way better than I imagined. What do you think?
Calling all Transformers fans! The Transformers Legacy United Core Class Energon uni. Galvatron and Rocklords Geogron + Voyager Class Reedeco of Metalhawk were revealed! What do you think?
Calling all Transformers fans! The Transformers Legacy United Deluxe Class G1 Optimus Prime was revealed + the In-Hand images! This guy comes with two pistols (probably), a Matrix of Leadership, his blaster and his Energon Axe!! What do you think?
Calling all Transformers fans! The Generations Selects Go-Bots Guardians 3-Pack was officially revealed! What do you think?
Time to say goodbye to my money
Calling all Transformers fans! The In-Hand images + Behind the Scenes of the Transformers Legacy United Deluxe Class Quake and Slipstream have drooped! What do you think?
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