Games in TurtleBoards Turtleing Turtleden


Okay so more work has been done, He has hands now, and the waist has been added. Still no shading yet :/ (On the arms, hands, and waist) but I think I'll leave it for last as that is the most easy part out of making the whole model. But thats all so far.

The SNAS R Superbonnie model remake is coming along nicely. The endo torso has been finished and is under the torso, the arms has also been made besides the shading for them. So pretty much I need to make the hands, legs, and feet. This is all for now. :)

Early gameplay screenshots! A little sneak peek of Clark, Bluite and The Spider

This camera took me a painfully long time to draw for some reason, but it's done. Also introducing another character 👀

My guy done got a torso, anyways the torso for the new SNAS R Superbonnie model is complete. No I don't have the endo under it yet. I have been pretty busy with some irl things. Anyways thats all for today.

New builds:

Just fixed a MASSIVE bug. The saving system was saved to a whole server, and not locally stored, so if someone else beat a challenge, you beat it too. Please redownload the game if you are still playing it.

Look! A room with a TV!

released the "HTML FOR LOSERZ" build for chromebook and mac users