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Is my... is my character just going on hikes to rub it into the face of her friend with broken legs?
So it turns out that enemies WILL indeed adopt you into their team - and even give you their own guns if you dance juuuuuust right
*@Artsy_Smartsy and I did this on stream!
*I taught her how to structure a face realisticly! :D
*what she made is so cool, oh my stars-
*you can watch it back here, if you'd like to lag and draw with us! XD
*@Artsy_Smartsy and I were planning a stream yesterday, I had to go, she did this-
*I'm laughing so hard-
*oh, and by the way, we're live right now! :D
*join us for an impromptu art lesson on twitch-
If you like dark surreal eerie comedy - then this is the game for you
Just did a playthrough of You Left Me by Angela He @Zephy0 a surreal dark and beautiful game about a girl waking up in a dreamland with amnesia
If anyone would like to help out and give me some feedback on my twitch streams that would be great
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I'm not good at making friends
I have been pretty quiet on here lately. I had some family issues to attend too. However, I have been streaming a few hours here and there. My twitch is and I upload all my videos to