Game Development in Untitled.exe

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Holy freak guys, @ep1cgamerXD made fanart for the new game "Untitled.EXE Academy"

1. Some major art and minor code changes.


2. Need to come up with ideas.

3. More Monsters.


4. Pathfinding.


5. Done.

I was gonna make 3258 mobile compatible but now I'm realizing that the game is gonna be way to big to run on any smart phone 😬

Currently trying to figure out how to code pathfinding, but every tutorial I find has this annoying graph thing and it's super laggy. I have no idea what to do from here :D



(epilepsy warning maybe idk)


I have figured out and nearly completed 2 out of the 5 levels in the game, the screenshots for the game I posted aren't gonna look like the game now cause of all the changes.

Important Update, gonna be changing the entire game and reworking ALL of the mechanics, previously it was gonna just be the same old game 5 times but now everything is gonna be as different as possible

Finished a new (slightly less gross) model to replace an old gross one

I think the game should be finished by the end of this year, hopefully