All Art in --Wizie's--

Share your creations!

My Own Underswap - Revenge [Design and Sprite]

I went for something simple but I think fitting.

PS: Last (4th) sprite is wrong, I erased the cloth behind him which is his brother's jacket thingy as an update.
It makes more sense.

Leon X squad busters

What do you think of the Leon x squad busters version I designed?

☆;; i feel like not posting anymore, still feeling sad

but hey, 'least that won't stop me from drawing ig :^


☆;; ya no me dan ganas de postear, aún sigo triste

pero ey, al menos no me detendrán las ganas de dibujar supongo :^

Drawing for @AmalgamatheOfficial of their oc Victor! Hope it's not too ooc

Participation rules:

1. Follow me

2. Choose a clear picture with your OC

3. Type where you want "For example, like 1-A"

4. Your character can be human or a human-like creature

5. No furry pls

That's all, all you have to do is write it in the comments.