
Comments (10)

What do you think?

All stars but no labor exploitation

Wow man you and your account with the projects grown up all the things you've done, basically i saw you at the first point of the history too and obvius i'm so glad for u friend!

Continue working and resting dude!

Will there be a port for the Sega Genisis?

Liam I am back after 4 months it's me gamelover

Fnas all stars revival the opposite of all the trillions of mm revival


What is superstars. It's basically All-Stars it's a collection of all the FNaS CLASSIC GAMES but recoded in clickteam fusion! With tons of secrets ingame options and MORE!


There are tons of things that are different

  • A Remaster of every game! (Excluding spin-off games)

  • Tons of secrets

  • New characters!

  • Secret Debug menu

  • Cutsences


  • FNaS 6

  • Wide screen ratio in remastars

  • FNaS 1 : 10%

  • FNaS 2 : 0%

  • FNaS 3 : 0%

  • FNaS 4 + DLC : 0%

  • FNaS 5 + HARDMODE : 0%

  • FNaS 6 : 0%

  • FNaS R : 0%

  • LEGACY MODE : 0%

#fangame #horror #fnaf #retro #pointnclick #survival #other #strategy #fnaf

Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed

A Game Cover?...

...Who the hell is this

Act 1 Reborn

Superstars game page is FINALLY HERE!