
Comments (7)

What do you think?

actually it's better to make some other AU's

but if you can make something good of dusttrust

this changes all

It looks very good, do you need in tester?

Climbing to the top, who will reach the limit before breaking first?

You have changed this world to your liking

resetting it, breaking it and putting it back together again

now that the problems are showing more than ever, can you survive?

After all, you are not above the consequences

Another take of Dusttrust looking to answer an old question:

"What would happen if Papyrus tried to kill everyone but Sans accidentally killed him?"


[* what did I do? what did you do?]

[* is this what I should do?]

[* ... ]

[* at the end I really have a choice?]

[* ... ]

[* fine]

[* then this will be my choice.]


Team Dust Clean:





#fangame #rpg #other #undertale #dusttrust


GETTING STARTED ,What is "Broken" ?

Considering that the final intro panels are about 40% ready

Here are some discarded sketches of Panels

When you see this, it means it has started.