
Comments (6)

What do you think?

A very good game. I went in and created my own dungeon in which I found myself many new friends. Well, what happened next ..

I like this game, for Alpha version 8\10. Minus a two points for middle button on the mouse, but this game is soo good. I in ecstasy!

how to tutorial

How to wood and stone ?

Not a bad game it has a good concept on building up a civilization


Dictatorship [RUS/ENG]

Version: 2021.5.2about 4 years ago
			You act as a dictator on your personal island. You have to build buildings, set up the economy, create industries and be respected by the people.

You must maintain the mood of the inhabitants in order not to be killed. The goal is to die your own death, to die in respect and happiness.
			Вы выступайте в роле диктатора на своём личном острове. Вы должны строить здания, настраивать экономику, создавать производства и пользоваться уважением людей. 
Вы должны поддерживать настроение жителей для того чтобы вас не убили. Цель - умереть свой смертью, умереть в уважении и счастье.
			Controls: WASD 
LMB - Select
Wheel - Look
RMB - Deselect

tags: #strategy


Dictatorship [RUS/ENG]

You act as a dictator on your personal island. You have to build buildings, set up the economy, create industries and be respected by the people. You must maintain the mood of the inhabitants in order not to be killed.

Read tutorial


Bug fixes.

Happiness fixes.

Visual fixes