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Gunning Cube 2: The Operation v0.2

Version: 0.2.0over 1 year ago

Gunning Cube 2: The Operation v0.1

Version: 0.1.0over 1 year ago

1,000 cubes, seemingly gone. 100 years ago the capsule laid rest to the Master Cube, becoming a legend. But only a few years later, the Master Cube rose again, and found the Ancient Tree to obtain the Powers of Ages. The cube created technology for his minions, who he also revived. The Capsule took a long rest after defeating the Master Cube. This force awakens him. The Master Cube will reform the world into his own shape. It's your job to find the Sacred Bombs to defeat the Master Cube and save the world from this awful threat. #platformer #shooter #retro #action #fps #parkour #3d #adventure #hard #puzzle

Mild Cartoon Violence
Animated Bloodshed

Level is finished, some adjustments and the next build will be avaliable soon.

I wanted to clarify something else as well, the banner for this game, the level used there was a testing map so you will most likely never see it in the full game

I'm a little close to finishing the level but I did want to clarify a bug I noticed today.

Check the article

In Progress

Stage 3: Peak Chamber

Story so far in the article

long break is over, back at it again