
Comments (8)

What do you think?

Waiting for Ariana

is this made in scratch? if so can I help develep it

Hell yeah!!! Looks interesting!

From what I saw in the trailer and on the page it looks good, when it comes out I'll try to play it to see this game up close.




In 2022, after the accident with the guard, George's Cafe ordered the animatronics to be investigated, something that ended badly because before they could investigate them, those they hired turned up dead, so they left them like that and the cafeteria was washed away from the accident. As a second option, they hired guards. nocturnal due to the behavior of the animatronics...

Now Noah, a college boy, goes to work to pay for his studies and has to survive a week before the animatronics attack him.


En 2022 tras el accidente con el guardia, George's Cafe mando a investigar los animatronics algo que termino mal porque antes de que los investigarán los que contrataron amanecían muertos, así que los dejaron así y la cafetería se lavo del accidente, como segunda opción contrataron guardias nocturnos por el comportamiento de los animatronics...

Ahora Noah un chico de universidad entra a trabajar para poder pagar sus estudios y tiene que sobrevivir una semana antes de que los animatronics lo ataquen.

CREDITS (Until now)

•Programmer. @FazzyDev

•Illustrators. @Noah_Draws, @Mika_ela & Lunitaaw (Discord)

•Animatronic Design. @Noah_Draws

•Music. @Emikalh , @Betty0612

•Sounds. @Emikalh

•Betatester. Mr_J.M (Discord)


•FNaF @realscawthon

•Those Nights at Villca's @Villca_Toons

Fun Times at Homer's @NickPerson

Sonic Coffees @superkirbyjs

Playtime with Percy @FazieFunbear

Five Nights at Candy's @Emilmacko

Shadow Nights @ItzSForShadow


•Marc (Phone Guy). Elsombreros2007 (Discord)

•George The Clown. Josh5531 (Discord)

•Ice Cream Mora. @Emikalh

•Stacy the pastry chef. Mari Meli (Creator's Friend)

•Armony Donuts. William_mdt (discord)

•Cookie Dog. @MrAndrew07

•Marsh Axolotl. Godzifan1954_44064 (Discord)

•Ellie. 4_lii5on (TikTok)

•Demon Cookie. @Noah_Draws



•Milky Berry. Izzn44_storys (TikTok)

•Puff the Jester. Michelle_15.9 (Instagram)

•Millie the Moth. Millie (Creator's Friend)

•The Twins (Fazzy). Eng @JaceVa | Esp Alen (Creator's Friend)

•The Twins (Dazzy). Eng @JaceVa | Esp Alen (Creator's Friend)

•Bambino. @Marc340

#fangame #fnaf #suspense #strategy #survival #horror #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf

Intense Cartoon Violence
Intense Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
Crass Humor

Hi! ND Studios needs your help, lately we have done little work due to lack of staff... If you are a cartoonist who wants to help with this project, I would greatly appreciate it! <3

Hi! I come to announce that we are back, and with new and better designs 🩷


A concept for the menu.


A little reference to @Fnaf_Fangames_200 in the office...