Comments (26)
for the kids who gonna say "pLeAsE pOrT tHiS gAmE tO aNdRoId", bendy doesn't know how to port games to android
pin this now

hes fire
how do i get the other endings
I beat the game and got springlocked, is there more endings?
>"hd collection"
>doesnt include nr 1 hd
Five Nights at Sonic's Nightmare Revived 1 HD Edition

Five Nights at Sonic's Nightmare Revived 1 HD Edition is a fresh new remake of Five Nights at Sonic's NR 1, made over 7 years ago! In this remaster, there are updated mechanics, modernised visuals, some new faces, and a remastered story!
Note : This project has nothing to do with Team Cyantix, anyone affiliated with them, or the creator of FNaS NR, so please do not see them as such.

@Kane-Hedgehog for creating the FNaS NR series, and a majority of the characters used.
@TheCyVap for creating Five Nights at Sonic's, and creating some characters that were used and slightly altered in this game.
@TylerAhlstroem for creating the TRTF series which was a big inspiration for the original FNaS NR 1!
@realscawthon for creating Five Nights at Freddy's.
And you, for possibly being interested in this game!

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Alcohol Reference
Mild Language