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Single player ( Singleplayer Overview)

Play as the new mechanic , watchman and private investigator , Sophia Morada as she investigate the building and unravels a twisted and disturbing tale of the past , and tries to repair the past , fix the broken pieces left with in the places mysterious past of a place bought by Emily Watson as a sick twisted way to make money but what neither of them don't know the place comes with monsters that are here they have been ,rotting , broken and hurt because of the torment they are hunted , not only by the paranormal but something more but its unknow they want revenge they will hunt , kill, dismember anybody that gets in their way , because of HIS influences and rage But there is something special about Sophia but she does not know "but you do as u play "

as u intrude the place your getting hunted by monster they each have a way of killing u , distracting u and haunting those who have nightmares about this twisted, psychotic messed up versions of the classic character we came to love .

Mulitplayer ( Muliplayer Overview )

Play against your friends as the monsters and humans as you play a cat and mouse game , Multiplayer mode comes with 5 different map and your choice as the player to import and create your own maps , music such ambience, chase music , menu music and you can import your own songs and music well be player choice , and players well have a custom option to create and design their own monster and humans color, weapons and other things The monsters each will have a strengths , weakness, abilities and some will have WEPONS , and those who play as humans will have strength , abilities and weapons in which if the player has a own sever be able to custom and import weapons , abilities and other things

This Free roam horror game will take you in the deepest depths of a FNAF inspired story as the story has 7 chapters with each of the chapters haveing different elemnts and missions/objectives, go in the mind of Sophia Morada as she deals with terrors and other problems , and The monsters that are under control of a mysterious force with Easter eggs , puzzles , Side missions , to get Bonus secret endings that well blow the story wide open , different choices and players choice that will lead to different endings ,unique mini-games , animated cutscenes ,unique music with custom option of the players choice #fangame #horror #adventure #multiplayer #Singleplayer #fnaf

Intense Fantasy Violence
Intense Realistic Violence
Blood and Gore
Strong Language
Mature Humor

The Numbers and letters are Imporant they lead to something but they should be easy for thoes who know

" Things are always dangerous now its time for a game its time sophia said for code #CBC3E3 and Operation #800020 to save those with New and old soul and the one #FFD700 but his conterpart has been corrupted #964B00 and the frist #FFFF00 "!

The game is progressing very slowly , the game/ project its massive it's huge, its production is very slow becuase of life and other things prevent the ramp up in production, we are still in the sketching and planning designs of the game , muisc is done

Today marks the beginning of a new game . The game its in heavy work in progress we stared sketching out character designs for our monsters we have someone working on music, Menu theme and Ambiance and credit music while i design the map and layout
