
Comments (21)

What do you think?

Freddy The Clown Circus World

I know you admit to reskinning but it's still not good that you're doing it. I was 12 doing the same thing you do but when I started making games without reskinning it's much more satisfying I think you should try even if the original creator doesn't care you're reskinning their work.

HI i played the game till night 3 now here are my probelems 1. Firstly the animatronics have to be faster 2. How does Puppet work 3. everytime i look at mangle at night 3 she tps away and doesnt attack me 4. i literrally did nothing execpt look at the cams (at night 3) and survived till 7am 5. when you turn of the Power pls it should take longer to recharge so it should be harder 6. add more cams and add more things into the roms because it fells empty and i really like the game that are just the problems that have to be worked on

you might as well play five nights at chuck's 3 because this shitty game just stole all of the fucking code from it lol

do you plan on making that star freddy's circus act 2 game, the one advertised at the end of night 7?

NOTE: This is my last Reskine, I will not make any more reskines.


Hey ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, come on, the circus is here, the place where the fun never ends, and the stars never stop shining, everyone welcome to Star Freddy Circus

The New Star Freddy Circus will open its doors, a Security Guard is wanted to watch the place from 12 AM to 8 AM,

The Payment will be $950


This game is a Reskin of a fnaf fangame called Five Nights at Chuck's Chapter 3 created by @ChucksDevTeam  and @Jayliriah


Note: The credits are also in the game.

@AranBucobo  / Director/ Scriptwriter/ Map Model/ Animator/ Voice Actor for Ennard Circus / Small modifications in the Programming/ Secondary Programmer(Just some things)

@ChucksDevTeam and @Jayliriah  / Programmers/ Minigames /Creators of the original FnaChuck's 3 Game

YinyangGio1987/ Some FNAF Props

Bun-Zai/ Animatronics Models

GaboCO316/ Ennard Circus Model

@TheMrAngelGames584 / Computer Model


@AbelCastro_10  (My Brother)

@LinoandresDiazromero (My Cousin)



Remember that this game is a reskin of FnaChuck's 3

Here is the link of FnaChuck's 3 Original if you haven't played it, Go play the original game

#horror #fangame #fnaf

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Comical Shenanigans

1 Year of Star Freddy Circus

Late XD

Star Freddy Circus Version 2.0 is finally available!

SFC 2.0 is 95% Ready

What's happening with SFC 2.0?

Star Freddy Circus ACT 2 (CANCELLED)

(Read article)