Comments (1)
Sonic.exe Nightmare Universe (Death Threat)
A fan NU game, the events of it begins after the end of The Nightmare Beginning Remake after the boys were almost defeated and couldn't defeat the demon who corrupted their friend (Sonic), Luckily they found a chance to run with their life a chance to save mobius, the goal now is to warn everyone in mobius of the big Evil and the dangerous demon , Will the heroes defeat the demon?
The Game's official News on The Angel island Residence server -
The game developed by :
@Swizzie - Owner
Sunex - Second Owner
Plagueis - Voice actor, Game translator.
@Danik_Jolt - Spriter, Artist, Coder.
@LoloBird - Spriter, Coder.
@Exesine_the_demon - Game translator, sprites.
@NeoMark - Developer maps.
@StickingTM - Beta-Tester.
Kensty - Beta-Tester.
Raider - Voice actor.
MaksTheCatFox - Femboy.
@Khesola - Voice actor.