
Comments (7)

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Why's BOSS FIGHT SONGS awesome!! RIGHT!??!

looking like a ok game plz add fuzion z gamer mabye dawko

You Will Give Up Already


"You Will Give Up Already" is going be a future Super Meat Boy like platformer game that will make you not only RAGE but also make you laugh too as well!!! This kind of future platformer game is going to be also inspired from the now extinct flash games called "Give Up" and "Give Up 2"!!!! Ever since flash had died the stickman from every flash game decided to make their own town! But not all of them!!! Most of them had to travel to a new place from another dimension of some kind, but the remaining stickmen decided to stay to keep good care of themselves!!! So the remaining flash game stickmen decided to make their own/new town/village/ummm? CITY!! Inside another game dimension called: MINECRAFT!!!!! And they'd called their new city called....I mean...ummm? They called called called their new city ca....named "The MC Stickmen Towns-Ville!!" Home to the land of the remaining stickmen from now extinct flash games!!!

This place runs from a stickman named "Give"!! Which he has his girlfriend AKA: "His GG" name "Gave"!!!! Those two stickmen are the two leaders from ruling this world!! That was a bit wonky right their! I mean RIGHT there!!! GOD! NEVERMIND!!! Anyways! Every single stickmen love it here in this Minecraft world! Except for a huge purple stickman name "Already"!! Give's older brother!!! He'd thought that flash games are still alive! But they aren't anymore!!! Ok now that was kind of like a pun right there! ANYWAYS!!! Already wanted to bring back not only FLASH GAMES but also making everything AWESOME again! Because Already had ALREADY heard about a thing called a "Coronavirus"!!! It was a virus that had spread over the world! But only in the real world!!! From a country named "CHINA"!!! And Already had said to himself that not only CHINA but also everyone else in the real world were the ones that were to blamed from making this crappy/fake/disease happened!!! And that was Already's point of veiw!!! if you know what I mean! OH! I realize that I misspelled the word "view"!!! NEVERMIND!!! I'm getting distracted!!! Anyways!!!!

Already told his brother Give that he'll be back for some nice food called "Spaghetti"!!!! So like 3-4 hours later!!! Already has seen some GOD AWFUL changes already!!! God! I said like the word "Already" like a million times already!!! Already had seen people wearing masks, people spreading apart, and people staying at their crap boxes!! Also known as their homes/houses!!! This is why Already had brought his hentchmen with me!!!

Their names are:

1, Why {FEMALE}

2, You {MALE}

3, Me {FEMALE}

4, Awful {MALE}

5, Danger {Aka: The Ugly One} {MALE/FEMALE}

6, Don't Do That {MALE}

7, Stop It {MALE}

And leader of Already's group for 8, Finally!! {MALE}

Also known as Already's good gang leader!!! Don't Do That is like one of them too!!!

But then after some horrible arguments from Already and his henchmen, a weird figure named Lord Virus had told them about what he is going to do to the people from the real world!!! Already told Lord Virus that he wanted to make everything AWESOME again!!! Lord Virus told him too as well!!! Which means that he is going to do the same thing as well!!! So Lord Virus, Already and the other hentchmen stockmen decided to team up and decided to called their team's name called "S.A.W"! Also known as Snakes At War!!!! Now it is up to Give and Gave to save the real world from danger!!! But they must to defeat their evil stickmen does also known as Already's friends along the way!!! But sadly, Already had split his team into groups inside in different dimensions!!! Like TV Shows, Movies, Video games, and of course other kinds of strange places too as well! Well! It is up to you as the player to help Give and Gave to save not only their world but also the other worlds too as well! Including the Real World! But be careful!!! You might be facing off some characters you seen before in real video games, tv shows, and movies! So beware!!!! So have fun!!! And please defeat Already, Lord Virus and their minions once and for all!!!! HA!! No pun intended!! Lets not forget that you'll have some isinstance along the way too as well!!! So have fun!!! YOU WILL GIVE UP ALREADY!!!!! Eventually!!!

Controls: Most R WIP

Use the "WASD" or the arrow keys to move

Press the W, up arrow or the spacebar key to jump

Press the "S" key to skip cutscenes or whatever!

Use the "ESC" escape to enter the pause screen!!!!

Use your mouse and the functions with it to control the rest!!! If U know what I mean!!!

And finally you helper name "Help Me" kind like AKU-AKU from the Crash games to survive from taken damage!!!!


Give, Lord Virus, Help Me, and The Narrator Voice: Me "Ian Neill" AKA: @NanGameJolt23

Gave: WIP

Already: WIP

Why: WIP

You, and Me: WIP

Awful: WIP

Danger {Aka: The Ugly One}: WIP

Don't Do That, and Stop It: WIP

Cluck: WIP

Buck, Joyful, and Nice: WIP

Dreadful: WIP

And then last boss named "Finally": WIP

Main Protagonists: WIP

Main Antagonists: WIP


Mini Boss for each dimension: WIP


Well again!!! Have fun everyone! You're gonna need it!!! YOU WILL GIVE UP ALREADY!?!?!?! Right? #fangame #action #adventure #arcade #multiplayer #survival #pointnclick #puzzle #strategy #roguelike #textadventure #flashgmes #YouWillGiveUpAlready!!!!!

Mild Cartoon Violence
Intense Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Blood and Gore
Brief Nudity
Sexual Themes
Crass Humor

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Hey all of you Flash Games & Gamejolt Music community people!! I want all of your assistance please!!

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