Comments (1)
Why not GameMaker:Studio?
"Beyond Time: A Simple Adventure" is an in-development game created by UnRivalGames (me) using GameMaker 8.1. It takes place after the time of humans and life as you or I know it. A young man of unknown origin finds himself all alone in a black and white world where he must survive. A spirit- like object appears to him and explains the destruction of humanity and his means of fixing the wrongdoings of people. He can reach portals that take him back to points in history where we went wrong. Along the way this man meets many people. Some have the same objective, save the world, while others mean to keep things the way they are.
Currently, there is only one person working on this game. I am always looking for help in any of these areas:
-2D Sprite and Picture Artists
-Game Coders using GML
-Music Creators
If you would like to help and you don't feel suited for these jobs then explain that to me in the application at the forms(go to the steam group "Beyond Time: A Simple Adventure") and I am sure we can work something out.
Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans
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