
Comments (2)

What do you think?

really cool game. i love that you switch between each robot to progress. the level designs are cool and the music is great.

This game is a student project. Main mechanic of the game is ability to switch between 3 different characters and using them to solve puzzles. Game aesthetic is done in a steampunk/ industrial revolution style.

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence

Level design routine

Base for 3rd character

The last of three characters is completeโ€ฆ well the base model is.

Researching industrial revolution

Base for 2 characters (need to be finished)

The base models for small and medium characters are done (see below)

I had to remake the legs for the character since they looked way too small. The new ones look better:

First character is finished (well, modelling is)

Texturing will be done when other characters are ready. The model is far from perfect, but it will do for now.

Character modelling is harder than expected

Sprint 2 plan

Sprint 1 Summary

Sprint 1 development catch-up

Unexpected delay