Comments (18)

How have I never seen this master piece...
How do I save power. It drains to fast
this game is actually really well made
Game Soundtrack
- 1.Return of the Banshee [Menu V2]
- 2.Woodland Nightmare V1 (Midnight Whispers) [Menu]
- 3.Welcome to Our Wonderland
- 4.Terror (Nightmare) [Horror Dialogue]
- 5.Tragedy (Grass) [Danger Dialogue]
- 6.Bad Memories
- 7.Our Song [Music Lure]
- 8.Rising Sun [Shift Complete Chime]
- 9.Darkbreed (Climax)
- 10.Only the Beginning (Droplets) [Credits]

Maybe It's Better to leave the past Behind..

The Story follows a dad as he must come the reality of his 8 year old sons perish back in 1998. In order to let go, he works as security at the very restaurant his son had perished in. But instead of coming to reality...He find something much more sinister

CRUNCHER'S balances, gameplay, strategy, RNG and pure skill. It is most likely described as an intense, unexpected, heavy skill based game. It's mainly held up by a "each death is a learning curve" type balance

CRUNCHER'S is not your typical FNAF fangame, it doesn't rely on Jumpscares and loud sounds. CRUNCHER'S uses shock horror and the fear of what will happen next. Using the players own sanity and reflexes against them. act to fast and you may regret it later, act too slow and you might also regret it.
YOU WILL NOT BE JUMPSCARED WHEN YOU DIE, no, instead the player will witness the aftermath of the player after death, accompanied by the horrific screams of terror and suffering of the player as they fall into eternal pain and suffering. Have fun :)
@Vin_Trap-146 - Creator of "As Above So Below" and co-owner of CRUNCHER'S, plus beta tester
@thatgenjiguy - Environmental Design
@Eratomix - Owner of Cruncher's, lead coder, Voice actor and artist plus beta testing
@realscawthon - Creator of "Five Nights at Freddy's"
@LurkerIndie - Coding Help
@Slimie - Coding
@Fluffy-bside - Feedback and beta testing
Follow the CRUNCHER'S playlist for the Woodland Jam Entries
#fangame #strategy #horror #fnaf #survival #pointnclick #puzzle #textadventure #analog #scifi #other #cruncher #adventure #fnaf