
Comments (2)

What do you think?

hm, impossible.


Custom 3DS Emulator Developer Kitā„¢ For Windows PowerPoint 2010+ ā€” Flame Red Edition

Version: 20201016.1727.374almost 7 years ago

Custom 3DS Emulator Developer Kitā„¢ For Windows PowerPoint 2010+ ā€” Purple And Silver Edition

Version: 20201016.1729.374over 4 years ago
Show off your wild side with this bold and sassy emulator developer kit design!

Custom 3DS Emulator Developer Kitā„¢ For Windows PowerPoint 2010+ ā€” Bradley Cotton Edition

Version: 20200930.2108.933over 4 years ago
Show off your fandom of, and loyalty to, "BradCott Gamesā„¢" with this special emulator developer kit design, hand crafted by your favourite "JadeJohnson Gamesā„¢" subsidiary's CEO himself!

Sam Versus Cat For Custom 3DS

Version: 20150117.742.728almost 7 years ago
This doesn't have all the features of the original, but this, is, basically just a 3DS port in the truest of senses, so what else would you expect, right? Well, that, and, it's also for the very first edition of the emulator, which isn't even supported anymore! Honestly, it feels more like a bootleg game boy advance game running on an original Nintendo DS, but with a wider top screen.

I, JadeJohnson, am the VERY FIRST PERSON ON EARTH to have TRULY created a REAL, WORKING, NON MALWARE NintendoĀ® 3DSā„¢ Emulator!

HOWEVER, because I don't have the rights from NintendoĀ®, and or any other official 3DSā„¢ title developers, to copy and or redistribute any officially licensed NintendoĀ® 3DSā„¢ software, I can only offer games and other software applications for my emulator, dubbed, "Custom 3DSā„¢"; that either I myself (its original developer), or someone else who wishes to write games for it ("Go ahead and try; you have my permission"), has created specifically for gameplay and or other means of use via "Custom 3DSā„¢".

This is the development engine itself, which can be used to create "Custom 3DSā„¢" titles via slide hyperlinks and animation triggers.

Please let me know what you think.

I give you full permission to hack this and improve it if you can, as long as you:

keep the Emulator's name "Custom 3DSā„¢";

save your games' file names in the format of
"Game Title For Custom 3DS.pps",
"Game Title For Custom 3DS.ppsx",
"Game Title For Custom 3DS.ppt",
"Game Title For Custom 3DS.pptx",
"Game Title For Custom 3DS.FuturePowerPointPresentationOrShowFormat";

set each of your games' show types to, "Browsed at a kiosk (full screen) before you release them;

make sure that you give me credit for developing the original engine that you modified;

and hook me up with a copy of your hack so that I can play it myself and then add it to the "Custom 3DSā„¢" library, where I will make sure that I give YOU credit for all your hard work!

If your hack is good enough, I might just ask you if I may make it the new standard for "Custom 3DSā„¢" software development! Just know that if you say anything along the lines of "Yes," then I henceforth become a partner in the ownership of your engine, and have your permission to alter it in any way I see fit, including, but not limited to:

adjusting its appearance;

changing its functions;

modifying its control scheme;

or making any other changes I see fit, except for removing your brand, logo, icon, or user slash profile image from it, if you have added one at all; unless it is strictly one hundred percent necessary to remove it in order to make my desired alterations.

Although giving me your permission to make your hack the new standard of "Custom 3DSā„¢" software development automatically binds you to the latter agreement, I will still do all I can to try to send you a copy of the engine you developed that I have improved upon. If you do not want to receive the improvements from me, just drop me a comment saying so.

Notice: Failure to have read and thusly abide by ANY AND ALL of my guidelines slash terms will result in the cancellation of your hack, or, if noticed after its release, its discontinuation, and its immediate removal from the Custom 3DS library.

Thank you for reading all of this text, and please enjoy "Custom 3DSā„¢"!

"Custom 3DSā„¢": Ā©2014-āˆž James Johnson - Some Rights Reserved!
#other #3DS #Emulator #3DsEmulator #Custom #Custom3DS #Custom3DsEmulator #Developer #Kit #DeveloperKit #DevKit #Game #Engine #GameEngine #Power #Point #PowerPoint #PPT #Microsoft #Office #MicrosoftOffice #Discontinued #Console #Consoles #DiscontinuedConsole #DiscontinuedConsoles #Retro #RetroConsole #RetroConsoles #Hand #Held #Helds #Handheld #Handhelds #DiscontinuedHand #RetroHand #DiscontinuedHandheld #DiscontinuedHandhelds #RetroHandheld #RetroHandhelds #DS #NintendoDS #DSLineup #DSFamily #DSFamilyTree #DSLine #Family #Families #Line #Lines #Series #DSSeries #3DSSeries #3DSFamily #3DSFamilies #3DSSystem #System #Systems #3DSFamilySystems #FamilySystem #FamilySystems #Portable #PortableGamingDevice #PortableGamingDevices #GameDevice #GameDevices #GamingDevice #GamingDevices #PortableGameDevice #PortableGameDevices #Handheldgame #Handheldgames #HandheldSystem #HandheldSystems #WeAreTiredOfTaggingStuffNow #LongLiveThe3DS #SatoruIwata #Satoru #Iwata


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Thank you, @lime360, for following "Custom 3DS"! How did you discover this title, and what do you like most about it?

We updated the math in the last post, but in case you don't like constantly checking pages since GameJolt doesn't notify users of edits, we've rewritten it here for you instead!

The Two Most Crucial Features For "Custom 3DS" Are Finally Here: Scroll Buffering, (Insert Pause For Applause,) And Full Screen Overlays!

What's New In Custom 3DSā„¢?