
Comments (2)

What do you think?

this game is so good is a pity this game only has 3 followers this game deserve more recognition the people judge the games only because is rpg maker or only because simple games but they judge only before play the game

Final Fallacy has adventure beyond desire!

You start with group of 3 heroes, and gather your party along the way to face the world! Feel ever more satisfied when you survive deadly encounters with hard-core perma-death system and living breathing world when travelling vast distances and truly taking time to prepare each trip in-game.

You are not just a chosen destined hero, you are part of world with opportunities and real danger! Earn every victory, and perhaps with enough skill and luck you come out on top, and get your names in history books.


Final Fallacy is re-imagining the stale static RPG formula we have grown to love for some reason. It introduces you to a 8-bit world with this time real permanence and consequence!

Every choice matters, and each victory and loss more meaningful than the past, as, if you are not careful, you may lose everything, even your party members!

Surprises behind every corner

Final Fallacy is an RPG experience taken to a new level. Features such as perma death, traversable 2D open-world, dynamic environment, and real impactful for choices you make, creates a RPG experience like no other!

Be able to befriend creatures you thought to be foes, travel with freedom to choose your path and be the hero, not because the game told you to, but because you truly wish to achieve the unimaginable!


In a kingdom that has fallen apart there is drama and betrayal. The King Charlemange has been betrayed by his trusted knight Richard. Precious princess Pricklypear has been kidnapped and taken god-knows where! The Central Kingdom has erupted into chaos. Are you able to bring back the harmony to a forsaken world?

The story follows three young heroes starting their journey from the very bottom. In their journey they face various adversaries such as Santa Claus, Elder Dragon, Count Dracula, and many others. While befriending elves, dwarwes and goblins alongside your open nonlinear adventures, the world might be needing you more than it deserves. Or will you be the one to take the kingdom down yourself?

#retro #roguelike #rpg #adventure #other

Mild Fantasy Violence
Alcohol Reference

Visual equipment for the game. Back to streaming. Sprite work


Pictures about the Overworld of Final Fallacy.
Still under work, but you can see how it is shaping up to be.

Read more about the Over-world at our blog:

Worked on today:

Click to see more:

Made some new music live for the game. Character theme for Warrior.


New Class in creation - Sumo! Working on now to release more posts regularly.