
Comments (51)

What do you think?

Looks very promising so far! I would love to see the finished product.

Thumbnail looks really good! Very promising, can't wait for more updates!


Is this game dead? Hope not cause this game looks amazing!

Five Nights at Freddy's: Reimagined

Five Nights at Freddy's: Reimagined unfolds in an old, abandoned pizzeria in Pulaski County, Arkansas. The company that once operated the establishment was forced to file for bankruptcy after a series of lawsuits devastated their finances and reputation. Now, years later, the forgotten building stands as a husk of what was once a charming venue, or for some, a monument to a dark past... One that still holds secrets waiting to be uncovered.

 With stylized graphics, immersive sound, and an alternative storyline, the game offers a fresh, spine-chilling experience for fans.



  • First Person Cutscenes

  • Voice Acting

  • Custom Soundtracks

  • Custom Audio

  • Stylized Graphics

  • Challenges

  • And Much More!

    PC Specs (Minimum)

    WIP - (Testing)


    Erik The Aviator (@Scout982 )- Lead Programmer, Cutscene Director, Animator, Story Designer, Game Director

    Light Red Floyd (@electricalwater ) - Lead Modeler, Visual Artist, UI Creation, Level Designer

    @BruhBoiitsFeet133 - Lead Animator, Quality Assurance

    @Matson - Sound Designer

    Magnotti- Sound Designer (Not on Gamejolt)

    #fnaf #horror #fangame

			Game Development Status
Main Menu: 98%
Cutscenes: 90%
Story/Script: 100% (Finalizing)
Atmosphere: 100%
Game Mechanics: 100%
Options: 90%
Optimization and performance testing: 95% (acceptable fps w/ playtests)


Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
Alcohol Reference
Tobacco Reference

FNAF 10TH ANNIVERSARY + Update on state of the game! (It's close..)

fnaf at freddys is getting so old, 10 years of AAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....


We're excited to announce that we're back up and running at full speed! Expect some more information and teasers, soon! If you'd like to see some behind the scenes content, feel free to join our Discord server.


Happy 2 Years!!

Some progress has been made on FNAF:R, but right now we're at a slow point due to the fall semester starting for a few of our members. We're currently focusing on the script for the game, as well as cutscenes. Stay tuned! :)