Comments (161)

hes here for a playdate

When you finally finished the level 5 of myPOPGOES after 1 hour of game :
Just finished the game (lemme tell ya the fifth level was quite the doozy), and tbh I actually fairly enjoyed it. It ain't anything spectacular by any means, but for what it is it's an enjoyable simple little game. I do like how it actually does slightly tie into the POPGOES universe and isn't purely a late April Fools joke for the funnies, even if it doesn't tell us a whole lot of new info. Plus the visuals were very nice, both the art by Turntail and the model for the myPOPGOES set.
It's certainly not POPGOES Arcade which is on Steam for $4.99 including the Machinist expansion, but it's enjoyable for what it is. Nice late April Fools game!
myPOPGOES (Outdated Free Version)
myPOPGOES is an entirely hand-drawn teaser game for the POPGOES series. It was created in less than a month and features visuals from Sian Mewburn (Turntail, official FNAF artist) and Emil Macko (creator of Five Nights at Candy's).
Be sure to follow POPGOES Evergreen here:
And buy POPGOES Arcade here:
Kane Carter - Director
Sian Mewburn - Visuals
Isaac Lopez - Programming
Emil Macko - Sprites & Music
Gavin Keith - Modelling
#popgoes #fnaf #fangame #fivenightsatfreddys #horror #reboot #remake #art #survival #strategy #evergreen
Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Realistic Violence