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The real version of corkscrew, the meme game from about 2019-ish, is here, this is not a fan-game and is all official and original, i do plan to update the page and i will gladly take donations on gamejolt/

Dont steal bro, its not worth it

Mild Fantasy Violence
Comical Shenanigans

ATTENTION: @Like_A_Penguin_Games is now helping on the project, just a friendly update :)

HELP WANTED, MUSIC, LEVEL DESIGN OR GDEVELOP CODING, IF CAN DO ONE OF THOSE THEN pls help, im stuck on this and tomorrow is back 2 school and im doing mock exams so i cant do anything

As well as Pete is based off of my friend Peter aka peterjr020 (or petradare123) on instagram. we usually talk about his minecraft builds (epic btw) but I tried to draw him but failed

Fun fact, the character Zack, is based of my real life friend Zak aka @drbiggarage whilst chaz is based off of myself, we drew ourselves ocs in primary school back when we had imaging we were playing minecraft because we didn't have it yet


The first playable build is out now, its very broken with no music but its just a proof of concept demo


Audio lag


The worst bug in the game, I can't fix it.

Pls help

Corkscrew M U S I C C O N T E S T:

if anyone can make music for the bosses and the 2nd and 3rd level, then i will give you credit and a partnership for this game so if i charge people (if i did it would be cheap i swear)

they would get a cut

got the score done, still trying to get the death and win animations working