
Comments (9)

What do you think?


a ver

idk what this is but looks goofy so im following

no lag game good game

Hello everyone! Do you think it's worth adding different languages to the game? An update is currently in development, and I'm considering releasing updates this month, at least some, but I can't promise anything.

Привет всем! Как вы думаете, стоит ли добавить разные языки в игру? Обновление в настоящее время находится в разработке, и я рассматриваю возможность выпуска обновлений в этом месяце (но ничего не обещаю:Р)

Hello! The update is still in development, but I plan to release something at least this month. Can you give me ideas on what to add to the game?

Hello, everyone! Here are the new leaks! (If you want, feel free to suggest what to add to the game because after 2 a.m., I hardly know what I'll be doing. I'm out of ideas.)

Hello, everyone! Unfortunately, there won't be updates in the near future, but here's what I'm already planning to do. (Unfortunately, there's a limit on how much I can write here, so please read it in the screenshot.)

New Update! 1.0.0 mega super duper beta
Fixed Some Bugs

Design Tweaks in the Main Menu

Added a Secret Mini-Game