Getting paid

What are Charged Stickers?

Receiving charged stickers on Game Jolt is one way to monetize your content on Game Jolt. Once your audience has obtained 7 charged orbs by completing Daily Quests, they're able to place a charged sticker on your posts and/or livestreams. The charged stickers you've accumulated convert into Gems in your wallet, which can be withdrawn into your preferred payment account.


How much are charged stickers worth?

Charged stickers represent a percentage of total revenue earned from advertisements on Game Jolt in the day that the sticker was placed. The more charged stickers you receive from your audience in a given day, the bigger your percentage of revenue will be that day.

We built charged stickers because we don't want creators to have to constantly worry about what is monetizable content and what isn't. It's important for your audience to see and feel the support they're giving you by watching and interacting with your content--charged stickers are the vessel to do just that.

Once you receive a charged sticker on your content, it will convert to Gems in your Wallet at the end of that day. (That's how we're able to figure out what percentage of ad revenue you've earned for that day)

What are Gems?

Gems are the virtual currency that creators earn on Game Jolt, which is equivalent to 1 cent USD. The value of charged stickers may fluctuate daily based on ad revenue earnings across the platform, but the value of Gems remains constant and equal to 1 cent USD.

In order to give our compliance team enough time to vet for fraud and keep our users safe, gems are held for 7 business days before they're released for withdrawal.

Minimum withdrawal amount on Game Jolt is $20 USD or 2,000 Gems. Once you've received this minimum, you'll receive automatic monthly payouts into your preferred payment account.


How do I get paid from the Shop?

When someone purchases an item from your shop, you'll receive gems in your wallet immediately.

Supported payment methods

Once you've reached the minimum withdrawal amount, we'll deposit your gems through your preferred payment method within the first 15 days of the following month. Currently, we support PayPal, Wire Transfers, and ACH payment options for you to choose from in your Settings under Marketplace Account Setup.