Sharing images, videos, text

How to create an image post, video post, gif post, articles, run polls and more!

Livestreaming has it's own fancy section!

Posts are an incredibly versatile tool on Game Jolt! It’s how we share what’s happening in our lives, projects we’re working on, games we’re playing, memes, give shout-outs, etc. They can be short or long-form, can include images and/or videos, be published to other platforms simultaneously, or even used to gather opinions from followers or fellow enthusiasts within communities who share a common interest.

Making a post: To make a post from your internet browser or Game Jolt Client, click on the text box near the top of the page that says “So, what’s on your mind?” On the mobile app, click on the big add symbol.

  • Lead text: Lead text is limited to 255 characters, perfect for short posts that get right to the point. If you need more space to work with, you can add an article (detailed below) and use the lead text to introduce your post’s topic.

  • Change the background: Consider decorating your text posts with colorful backgrounds! These are really handy for setting the mood of your text posts, or grabbing attention when making important announcements. You can select the background of your choice below the lead text box. We sometimes add new backgrounds as quest rewards, so keep your eyes out for opportunities to add more options to your collection! From time to time you'll also be able to purchase backgrounds from the shop.

  • Attach images or gifs: You can add multiple PNG, JPG, and GIF images to your posts. If you want your images displayed in a certain order, be aware that they display from last to first uploaded. For example, if you were uploading 3 comic strip panels, you would start with the 3rd panel, then the 2nd, and then lastly upload the 1st to ensure they display to viewers in the proper order. GIFs must contain more than 2 frames to display correctly. Also know that images can be downloaded directly from posts, so if you don’t want viewers having access to your images at their original full resolution/quality, please resize them before uploading.

  • Upload a video: Videos can also be uploaded directly to posts! They must be between 1 second and 30 minutes long, bigger than 200x200 pixels, and the currently supported file types are MP4, WEBM, MOV, MKV, and AVI. Alternatively, it is possible to automatically embed a YouTube video in a post by pasting its direct URL into the lead text field. Note that you won’t actually see the embedded video in the post until it is posted, scheduled, or saved as a draft.

  • Add realms: Click on the “+ Add realm” button to choose up to five topics that relate to your post. Sending your posts to realms increases their visibility, but please make sure to only use this feature with realms that are on-topic with your post. Posts that are not on-topic with the realms they’re submitted to will be removed from said realms.

  • Add communities: Once you join a community or two, you also have the option to add up to five communities that are on-topic with your post for more visibility. If you would like to submit a post to a community you haven’t joined, you can do so by creating a post directly from the community’s homepage. Every community has its own rules, so please be sure to read each community’s bio/description and channel posting guidelines to make sure your post is submitted to the correct channel and meets any other requirements.

  • Add article: Clicking the article icon will attach a collapsible article to your post. There are many formatting options at your disposal when composing articles. Highlighting text will present you with options to make the selected text bold, italic, struck through, linked, code, and/or one of two heading sizes. When beginning a new block of text, click on the add icon to add an image, embed, code block, quote, spoiler, separator, bulleted list, or a numbered list. Clicking the gif icon will let you search for and select a gif image from Tenor. Finally, clicking on the square emoji will give you a classic selection of Game Jolt emojis from which to choose.

  • Add poll: Want some feedback from the community? Click on the poll icon to add a poll with up to 10 choices. You can set the duration of the poll, and if you’d like the results to be private (viewable only by you), click on “[+]More options,” and toggle on private results.

  • Schedule post: Click on the calendar icon to choose a specific date and time for your post to go public. Your time zone should be automatically detected, but if it isn’t the correct zone, you can manually select the correct one from the dropdown list.

  • More options: Clicking on the "..." icon will give you control over who is able to comment on your post, if anyone. You can toggle off comments completely, or choose between allowing everyone or only friends to comment on your post.

Save draft or send post: If you’d like to save your post for a later time, click on “Save Draft.” You can view, edit, and publish your draft posts by navigating to your profile and clicking on the “Draft Posts” tab. Otherwise, clicking on “Post” will make your post immediately viewable, viewable once a video upload is finished processing, or viewable at the designated time if it is a scheduled post.