Report a user, post, comment

Reporting a user, post or comment is the fastest way to reach Game Jolt staff.

If you see something that is prohibited by Game Jolt’s Site Guidelines, we encourage you to report the user or offending content.

How to report:

  • A user: Navigate to their profile, click on the "..." button and select "Report user."

  • A game page: On the game’s page, click on the "..." button and select "Report game."

  • A post: Click on the "..." button within the offending post and select "Report post."

  • A comment: Click on the "..." button within the offending comment and select "Report comment."

  • A stream: On the top right side of the stream, click on the "..." button for "Stream Settings," and click on the "Report Stream" button.

  • A community: On the community’s frontpage, click on the "Report" button below the community’s description.

When sending a report, giving extra information in the box provided helps our moderators weigh the situation quickly and efficiently.

Note: Mass reporting either from a single user or organized group does not influence the outcome of the moderation team’s review, and participants in mass reports could face disciplinary action on their own accounts. Also, submitting false reports in an attempt to get someone or something you personally do not like banned or removed is a violation of our Site Guidelines.