Block a user

How does user blocking work?

User blocking is a feature that prevents a user from interacting with your account. In particular, they will be unable to comment on your content, send you notifications, or follow you.

How to block a user:

There are three ways of blocking a user on Game Jolt:

  • Navigate to your Edit Account page and select "Blocked Users." Click "Block User," enter the username (without the @) into the form and press "Block."

  • Visit the user's profile and find the "Block User" option in the "..." menu.

  • After reporting a user, click "Block" in the follow-up form. ​

Here's a more detailed list of effects that occur when blocking a user:

  • Users you have blocked will be unable to follow you, and you cannot follow them.

  • Any existing friendship between you and the blocked user will be revoked.

    • This means they also won't be able to send you chat messages.

  • The blocked user will not be notified when you block them. However, the blocked user will see a notice when visiting your profile informing them that they have been blocked.

  • When you come across a comment or post made by the blocked user outside of their profile, it will be hidden. You can click a button that unhides the comment or post if you choose to do so.

  • You will not encounter the blocked user in user recommendations.

  • You will not receive any on-site or email notifications addressed to you by users you've blocked.

Keep in mind that these effects only apply when you visit Game Jolt while being logged in to your account.

Restrictions that apply to users you blocked:

  • They cannot follow you

  • They cannot send you friend requests

  • They cannot send you collaboration invites to their games or communities

  • They cannot send chat messages to you