1 year ago


always at your service.



Next up

one of the best bands of all time

(Swipe to the right to see the original image!)

: Aseprite (Tablet practice)


: Aseprite

(Swipe to the right to see the original image!)

: Aseprite

Under the Desert Sky~

I wanted to remaster, an older piece of mine. How did I do? Tap/swipe to see the piece I created a whole year ago in January of 2023!

Magical Vibes !! Misty : Aseprite

"I get it now."

(Swipe to the right to see the original pixel art!)

: Aseprite (Sequel to the last redraw at my profile/AnubiClub!)

the pixel art brothers

legends say that if you pet them all at the same time, you'll become a pixel art master!

: Aseprite

in light of recent events, remember that you can find me essentially anywhere else at my carrd! https://anubiarts.carrd.co/

I would stop posting for a bit, but I'm relying on the creator stuff at the moment for paying things like therapy, so yeah @-@

Keep Your Hands Off Digital Circus, but with the characters separate! 🎪 🌟

// #TheAmazingDigitalCircus #Art #Fanart #TADC #Pomni #Ragatha #Jax 🌈💫

oh hey

we reached 4k followers in the day of my 4th pixel anniversary! :O

Thank you everyone for the support thus far! May it be from liking/following to even giving charged stickers, thank you all <3