For context of those who don't know (probably since you haven't seen my scratch before), Glitch Gacha bro or the one seen in the second image is made by me, and we (me and sylebro) sorta share this character. In addition I also made other sylebros, some from people's different styles. However what if the sylebros met their creators or specifically their creations? (not all of them but some of them) Then get ready for:
The Sylecreators
It's basically like a whole animation dedicated to all of the sylebros. The plot is basically the sylebros meeting there creators characters and clashing into one other. This will add more lore to the whole story of the sylebros and connect all the pieces together, while also leaving some parts out to make it more mysterious. Besides the story, it will more focus on interactions between characters as well as the new ones I will add, making it feel more like a slack back.
It will also be the possibly the last project where Glitch Gacha bro is still sane. At somewhere in the plot, Glitch bro will snap after his anxiety from meeting there own creator again from all that trauma she caused on him. However it doesn't come to that point but rather a much worser fate comes as suddenly his code gets hijacked into breaking his black goop around his head, causing intense pain and suffering. From that all hell breaks loose from him, and he eventually loses himself, but he turns almost an unrecognizable monster, broken of his long term memories that actually happened.
Well here's the thing about Glitch Gacha bro, bro's basically a huge stretch of an experiment. This dude's put into huge stress levels, all oc trauma paths this dude can possibly take, even some of the cringier ones. This guy's been physically and emotionally abused by his own creator or in this case, Fishy. Idk if I should make a prequel Comic dedicated to him being tortured right here where most of my mature content lies. His lore is confusing as hell, and he's inconsistent with the lore given on the time on scratch.
Besides that, I'll add updates as to how the process is and such. It's a huge experiment later down the line.
You can ask me about progress here (friends only)