
6 years ago

Aftertale Community Update // Moving Forward

We’ve seen a lot of you have been worried about us lately. Thank you very much, and we’re sorry for worrying you!
This is a post to let you folks know what is going on, and what to expect of Aftertale in 2019!

A. Where have all the updates gone?
We’ve entered a phase of production where we don’t have anything visually interesting or gameplay related that we can show you!
Currently, we’re working on the story. We can’t exactly screencap our script or lore resources, we’re not looking to spoil anyone yet!

Well, one of us isn’t. Personally, I’ve always wanted to spoil stuff but I have to hold back!


B. How is it progressing?
We’re stuck, or we have been for a bit. We’ve been throwing our everything at it to try to move the project forward, but there is a lot that we have to learn and come to terms with. We’re only a two person team, and we try to share all responsibilities in the development of Aftertale equally.
We can’t have a “writing director” who makes the final call on what is and isn’t acceptable for Aftertale’s story, which slows us down considerably. Both of us want to contribute to the story in a meaningful way that reflects our personal needs, and we’re trying to learn where to compromise and how to take advantage of each other’s strengths and ideas.

Over the past two months we’ve undergone several rewrites, lengthy 50+ page documents dissecting concepts, and I personally have had to sit through at least one Power Point Presentation on “How To Properly Communicate” which was actually refreshingly insightful and well put together.

Our spirits are low, we’re exhausted from years of developing what is now turning out to be a very high quality demo. Our motivations have changed and warped with time, our relationships strain and grow.
We’re doing our best. Please keep believing in us, even if the thought of letting you down is BEGINNING TO TERRIFY ME.


C. So when can we expect the Aftertale demo?
Every year I start off by saying “This is it! This is the year the Aftertale demo launches and I retreat into forest to live with the gorillas and wolves!”
While I am optimistic that we can finish the demo this year, I have been made a fool of enough times at this point to know that we will inevitably hit another obstacle.


D. Can we at least get a Dev Diary sometime?
Yes. I’m going to make this a priority after we finish up the Scenario Rewrite block. I’d like to show you guys some of our new visuals and restore a little bit of hype to our loyal fans.


Thank you for reading.
We’ll try to get something fresh and cool up here as soon as we can.
Until then, do your best.



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Interlude: Extra Credits Gamejam

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