Hello, sweet, loyal, patient fans. So patient, so loving, so patient, so understanding, so patient.
This is an update to help you get an idea for where Aftertale is currently.
So last year (technically the end of 2018, so it's like... 400 days ago, give or take) we started what we called the Aftertale Story Scenario Overhaul, which was estimated to take one month.
It turns out that having no writing experience, and working with another person who you have to perfectly communicate your ideas to, is ridiculously hard.
So most of 2019 you could say was totally squandered. I spent the entire year learning to write, studying and gathering resources, making numerous failed attempts at pitching a coherent overhaul to my partner.
Ultimately, this failure to write a complete and solid scenario is lasting in to 2020.
I want to express my apologies to the loyal, patient patient audience who has patiently patiented for Aftertale this whole time. I'm very sorry, I should have and could have done better.

I want very badly to deliver to the audience a game worthy of their attention. So even if I fail for another year, we will continue to work on the project until we have something to deliver.
Moving forward, we're looking at some minor system overhauls and visual updates. Like the dialogue system we did a Dev Diary for, we'll be producing more tools that will allow us to produce the game quickly.
Sometime this year, when things are finally moving steadily along again, we'll try to put together a Q&A Dev Diary. So please start saving up questions! If you ask them now, they'll only be wasted!
Thank you for your comments and continued faith in this project. At this rate, our project has grown up alongside some of you. Sort of. In like a "will Aftertale come to my piano recital, it would mean a lot" sort of way, and Aftertale goes "of course I'll be there" only to be mysteriously absent the day of.
And I promise you, when you get married and have children, Aftertale will be there when they're born to promise them Aftertale 2, which they can one day show to their own children.
Thank you for reading. See you again soon!