Firstly, we somehow passed 4,000 followers when I wasn’t looking. That’s pretty incredible. Back when I first started on the Aftertale comic I was amazed if I got the attention of even a handful of people, and now teens from all over the world are threatening to beat me up if I don’t tell them why Gaster is a dog.
The pressure gets to me sometimes, but my partner and I are working hard to deliver the best demo we can.

Secondly, let’s get into the update.
Aftertale’s development is starting to creep forward again, after a long trip into the psychological hellscape that is my mind. After the release of DeltaRune, the team felt an overwhelming desire to raise the quality of our story. For four months, the Aftertale team has been digging deep into what motivates us, what sort of story we want to tell, and how to say something new and powerful with our narrative.
And while I’d like to report “things are clearer than ever”, it turns out that writing is difficult. Working in a vacuum, it won’t be until the Aftertale demo is released into the wilds that we find out whether or not our team is capable of conveying a deep message in under an hour using a dog, a goat, a child, and some planks of wood.
And while it may not really matter to the average player or watcher, we’re hoping to create something that might stick with people long after they’re done with Aftertale.
So when I fail to do so, please toss me off an ocean cliff with cement tied to my ankles to punish me for my crimes against Undertale and the literary arts.

Thirdly, here’s what to expect in the near future.
System overhauls are continuing, and they’re pretty remarkable. My partner is nothing if not an intensely thorough and diligent programmer and designer. I’ve also taken up learning programming myself to help streamline the process.
We’re aiming to solidify the entire script for the game in the next month, month and a half. From there, we have to make sure to tighten all the mechanics and finalize the design of our combat system.
Then we’ll actually go through the script, and create each room of the demo one by one, complete with their respective interactions, cutscenes and quirks.
After that, we’ll go back through and polish up the sound design, acquire some new music to finish out the experience, and then enter a rigorous testing period.
Finally, hopefully before the end of the year, Aftertale will be in publishable condition and this ANCIENT EGYPTIAN CURSE WILL FINALLY BE UNLEASHED UPON THE WORLD.

That’s it then.
Thank you for sticking with us. Be sure to tell your mother, father, non-binary parent, or animal guardian about our game and make them feel awkward when they don’t understand what you’re talking about.
We’ll see you again in the near future with some new updates!