
6 years ago

Update // Follow Count // Community Contributions.

First off I’d like to thank one of our resident discord users “Sterling Thornestar” for creating a custom Silas dance for us, as well as a neat little song player app which features the dance.
I personally adore it.

If you’re interested in learning more, swing by the discord.

We’re not super active, but we’re slightly active. Lots of good folks looking for friends and sharing memes.

Secondly, thank you guys for continuing to follow and support us. We’re nearing 3,500 followers at this point. As few as six months back, the idea that we would even breach 1,000 followers by the time we released was the most I expected.

N-naturally, we’re starting to feel a lot of pressure. We really want to deliver a stellar experience for you guys, and you all seem to have a lot of faith in that.
So, please remember to keep your expectations absurdly low so that we cannot fail you. You would be doing us a favor if maybe you even thought that us releasing Aftertale is the event that would precipitate the extermination of all human life on the planet.
Yeah, think of us as a natural disaster! That way if we do a good job, we’ll be a pleasant natural disaster instead.

Joking aside, we really appreciate it. We’re going to do our absolute best to surpass your expectations.

Finally as an update, we’re… still doing the scenario restructure. So we don’t have a lot to show for it, because it’s all text and theory. We’re studying narrative frameworks, planning and checking on certain arcs, and seeing how much we can cram in without overworking ourselves and delaying the project needlessly long.

So, that’s all for now.
Until next time, do your best!



Next up

Semi Annual "Where Is Aftertale" Update

March "What Is UpDog?" Update

Regarding Updates During Scenario Overhaul // AMA?

T-thank You For Another 500 Followers.

Thank You For Believing In Us!

Aftertale Community Update // Moving Forward

New Year New Update

April Update

Interlude: Extra Credits Gamejam

Hey, Thanks For 5k!