Through the Thorns and Curses
1 month ago

Another card illustation for scenario goal is ready.



Next up

Implementing perks for the characters. Previously added exploration abilities now part of Pathfinder character.

Demo updated!


Game demo was just updated and extended! Now available prologue (tutorial) and additional demo campaign. Added new cards, opponents, buffs and some encounters.

Let me know what cards and opponents your like/don't like


New dungeon encounter - cursed chest. Take treasures and take the curse!

Added new encounter type - Big Ambush, more dangerous than a classic ambush.

The goal is to increase the importance of exploration abilities and total map awareness.

Collected new gameplay footage this week. And finally found (and added) a new piece of music that suits the mood of the game

A small chunk of fight gameplay against 1 opponent

Glad to finally add this mechanic. Using the example of a hunt: when you hunt, you draw 1 card from hunting deck. You might get trophies, or someone might hunt you

Quite an old visualizer for the map generation.

Green - start point.

Red - end point.

Yellow - path between them (passing through each town)

From left to right difficulty increases.

Also the difficulty higher further you from the path (reward as well!)

New dungeon encounter - one more option to remove wounds and curses from the deck

Combat test against 3 opponents. But the most difficult part is opponent card animation.