1 month ago

❓ - Are you ready to go Skaramazuzu?

🗣️ - Yes, I am Master. I will go and find myself.

💥 Watch rizhaya's walkthrough on #Skaramazuzu's secrets and embark on a journey of self-discovery: https://youtu.be/D99E09eUsTk

#Mystery #IndieDev #IndieGame #GameDev

•️ Cамый вкусный привет в эфир - http://www.donationalerts.ru/r/rizhaya ️•️ Есть ТГ канал https://t.me/rizhopol️️• Больше контента тут https://trovo.live/ri...



Next up

🕰️ A journey beyond time, beyond reality awaits you in #Skaramazuzu! 💡 Can you help Zuzu discover the meaning of their existence? ✅ Available on #Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574780/Skaramazuzu #Mystery #Adventure #Trailer #IndieDev #IndieGame #GameDev #Release

💥 Many strange and whimsical characters are waiting to be discovered by Zuzu on the captivating adventure of #Skaramazuzu! ▶️ Check the full game walkthrough by 'Carrot Helper': https://youtu.be/gbOJ3BKelFU #Mystery #Adventure #IndieDev #IndieGame #GameDev

👻 Step into darkness, where dreams and shadows dance!

💥 Prepare to meet whimsical characters and unravel mysteries on #Skaramazuzu!

✅ Available on #Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574780/Skaramazuzu

#Mystery #IndieDev #IndieGame #GameDev #Adventure #Release

Redraw 2021-2024

I tried to stay as close to the original as possible, tho I did change a few things

The background in the old version is a crime, I should've been executed.

🎉 10 days since #Skaramazuzu launched! 🤔 What's your favorite part of this bizarre, black and white adventure so far? ⬇️ Share your best moments with us! ✅ Available on #Steam https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574780/Skaramazuzu #IndieDev #IndieGame #GameDev #Adventure #Release

recent commissions 1.  beatrice and conductor pebbles (for @SteelmaticDragon ) 2. kris dressed as 2d from gorillaz (for alberodg)

🌟 Step into Zuzu's shoes and enjoy all of the beautiful hand-drawn scenery of #Skaramazuzu! 👇 Tell us what was the most challenging puzzle you dealt with? 🎮 Available on #Steam https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574780/Skaramazuzu/ #IndieDev #IndieGame #GameDev #ScreenshotSaturday

Margin of the Strange! My Fanart and Submission for the Art Contest they're holding c:

🗝️ Every item you find on your journey through #Skaramazuzu has a purpose! ❗❗ Some hold secrets deeper than you'd expect! ✅ Available on #Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574780/Skaramazuzu/ #Mystery #Adventure #IndieDev #IndieGame #GameDev #Release #ScreenshotSaturday