Cobalt Moon Prologue
1 day ago

As a reminder, this version of Cobalt Moon has been cancelled. You can follow updates on the new version here: https://gamejolt.com/games/cobaltmoon/843959



Next up

And now the Spider Tank's cannon attack is done

More cosmetic polish. You can see a poster for Akio's favorite show, Road Wolf, as well as his transformation belt on his desk

Working on some polish before I release a public alpha demo. Now Levi has different faces if you get the worst or best rank


and be rewarded with items

Showing off the new threat ranking screen. Honestly, sprite Cary Levi looks much closer to my original design for him. Goes to show I have far more experience here than in 3D modeling

Made a nice little informational window for when you pick up certain items

What's worse than a spider tank? A jumping spider tank

Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like Godot has a good way to sync up particles with sound effects. But if you have a sound looping at approximately the same rate, you can't really pick up the difference

A big update: here is the Spider Tank in glorious 2D! I'm still working on the behavior, but I'm very proud of how the animations turned out

Drew Cobalt Moon in Gamejolt colors for #GameJoltColors23