Cat Powered UFO

3 years ago

Big changes to the start of Cat-Powered UFO!

Have a look at the article to see how I dealt with player pathing problems.

New Version is out now!

Give it a try! I'd love to hear your thoughts!

The new version is out!  :D

There are A LOT of changes, I won't get into them all here.

But I will go through the changes to the early game and why I think they are necessary.  

First up, the way the game allows you to progress is significantly changed.

In previous versions, you could unlock the roll ability and the lift ability, and you would basically have free reign over the world from there.

The problem is, there are some situations later on that require the purple plasma attack, a player could do all the work of getting up to such a part, only to not be able to finish that section due to not having an ability they had no idea they could even unlock.

These smoking flowers make clear that they can only be killed by a purple plasma attack.  They block the way to several key areas and items that would usually allow the player to collect cats and travel to different dimensions.  Now the player needs to unlock the attack to make this possible.

Another problem was players not understanding that they can travel to different dimensions at all.

Now the player is forced to explore the slime dimension in order to unlock the ability to lift things.  This new Slime creature NPC is key in explaining this.

To make more obvious the importance of the Riddle master NPC he now has his own tent


So basically now the player is made to unlock the roll, lift, and attack abilities before they can get themselves in a dead-end situation due to not having said abilities.  

If you want to check out all the new changes follow this link

Want to try Cat-Powered UFO for yourself?

Check it out here, don't forget to give me your feedback!

I hope you all have a wonderful day!  

Have fun!  :)

1 comment


Next up

Please roast my graphics. No, seriously I need the feedback!

Cat Powered UFO's update charges on!

And it's not just graphics.  I've been tinkering with gameplay as well.

Thanks very much to anyone who can give feedback of any kind!  :)

Here is a few more characters I've been working on in Cat Powered UFO.

What do you think of my rollin' head animation? :P

Happy #WIPWednesday!

Are you working on a game? A song? Something else? Tell us in the comments!

It's finally here! :D

Cat Powered UFO is out on Steam for you to play!

Also, Roopit and Boopit (an older game I've made) is on a 50% off sale to celebrate!

🕹️ Enter The Highrise Game Jam Before It Ends On May 5! 🕹️

Learn the rules here:

Learn how to make a world on Highrise (which you MUST do to enter the jam) here:…

The jam has cash prizes! 💸💸💸

Please roast my graphics. No, seriously I need the feedback!

Cat Powered UFO's update charges on!

And it's not just graphics.  I've been tinkering with gameplay as well.

Thanks very much to anyone who can give feedback of any kind!  :)

I'm posting this video to show you beautiful Cat Powered UFO players the path I take to beat hardcore mode. Hopefully I'll see you beat it soon! I'd love to have a CPU race with another player someday! :)

Highrise Game Jam Reminder: In order to enter to win the Jam, your game must be created in Unity and submitted using the Highrise Studio Hub.

Learn all the deets about the jam at

This is my new sprite for the UFO in "Cat Powered UFO" What do you think?