Blockhead 2D
2 years ago

Blockhead 2D's Black Friday sale started today! Snatch it today for 10% off. *Lasts a week

Also, if you think that Blockhead 2D is great with friends, be sure to nominate it for the "Best with Friends" award on Steam!

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Next up

A new version of Blockhead 2D has been released with new textures and some bug fixes! Enjoy.

Ladies and gentlemen, here's a FULL compilation of Blockhead 2D's special minigame modes! Be sure to watch and check out the storepage.

I wanted to introduce some direction into the game, since a few of Blockhead 2D's mechanics weren't understandable. So, I made it so you must play through all 4 of the characters' tutorials in order to be able to play the rest of the game. Enjoy!

Time for a little something different!

Here's an earlier boss that I've never shown off here before. In case you can't tell, she's VERY hard and I've died to her many times.

I've done some re-balancing work lately, but it's still not going to be easy.

It's not too late to buy Blockhead 2D for that special someone who wants nothing more than to stomp you upside your head!



Saving the Lost Ones, a cage at a time 👻

The Valentines Day update has GOT to be my favorite thus far! Though, I can't wait to make a leprechaun chase the player next update...

Remaking and restyling some of the sprites for the inventory. Here's the walkie talkie. In-game usage is being developed. More to come.

Short video on the progress of our game♥

Experimenting with GUI elements for the inventory slot. The TV will receive a glow, as well.