• you can find treasure chests with loot
• elite blue cultists now have armor on hard difficulty (1 flat ph. damage reduction)
• weapons now can do critical hits, chance based on DEX, bonus damage based on STR
• when you leave tower you go to camp
• new rare mob variations, chance based on difficulty and level
• coin/crys magnet, coins and crystals now move to the player if near
• improved effects like poisoning, bottle breaking, explosion decals
• weapons now have damage random range instead of fixed value
• added new armors (light and clothes)
• added banners for factions
• new prop elements for camp (tents, fence, banners)
• fixed elements that didn't autoscale to resolution
• fixed moments when bats won't aggro if rock hit them on cellar
• you can change scale by pressing Shift + Num+, Shift + Num-
• better pathfinding
• bats move more alive
• added v-sync option for settings
• you can enter windowed fullscreen mode by pressing Alt+Enter, that may fix 144Hz monitor problem when FPS is too high
• lamps relocated for better lightning
• spikes are much easier to see now
• melee attacks move you forward with less force
• when you level up you will heal hp ammount that you got hp max increased
• kinda fixed problem when mouse sensitivity on large monitors was too high (testing is needed)
• you save your looted coins and crys when you run away and don't loose your backpack