
5 years ago

Low-Rez and Stash Edition Patch v0.2.2 is released!


• there is a stash chest in the camp now, you can store your items there

• added low-rez old-school imitation setting (works only with shaders on)

• added option to hide mini cooldowns near cursor aim

• added Y-axis inverted option

• added new weapon type - knives, poisoner have knife as a starting weapon now

• now you can equip items to extra slot by holding Shift

• improved item descriptions, alse you can compare items to worn equips while holding Shift (if you have saved data from previous versions old items won't show correct descriptions, dropping them is recommended)

• items have different sounds when you drag/drop/use them

• added lighting system to intro and camp as well

• torches and flames have glowings

• if you enter combat you can leave it in 5 secs if no hurt was dealt or to hero, either to enemies (out of combat some resource types regenerate faster, like Energy Points and Stamina Points)

• added relax system for energy resources: out of combat if you don't move completely you will enter relax state after 5 seconds, it boosts Energy only resource to replenish even faster

• added battle text to hero being hurt/healed situations

• added pop-ups to main stats and sorting buttons when you hover mouse over them

• level draw optimization boosts fps on old PCs

• rework and improvement for dot system, resists and armor types

• now hp ammount saves with character

• added auto scale to upgrade windows

• circular cooldowns on action bar now go clock-wise, in traditional way

• item names and descriptions is localized and change when you change language

• frame and background added to pop-up of item pick ups for better visibility

• medicine pots now heal 1/3 of it power instantly and other part over time

• damage formulas improved, swords, sticks and fists damage based on STR, knives damage based on DEX

• vagabond throwing rock upgrades changes - first tier, second upgrade, -25% body damage penalty removed

• bag fixed when goblin screams overlayed over each other too loud

• bag fixed when game crashed with map on in camp

• bag fixed when crits in intro didn't show right

• bag fixed when sometimes wrong lamps were turned on in the level start

• bag fixed when you lost your inventory if you go to intro and choose to run away

• bag fixed when null character created if you don't have any characters and choose to run away from intro

• bag fixed when elite mobs appered in wrong places

• bag fixed when camera went through floor if you looked up in firstperson

• bag fixed with weight of backpack calculation

• low-rez fix added - see Controls in Description (Fixes)

• fast fps fix added - see Controls in Description (Fixes)

• other fixes



Next up

Camp and Banners Edition Patch v0.2.1 is released! Patchnotes:

New Horizons Edition Patch v0.3.0 is released!


Clan Hall & Perks Edition Patch v0.3.3 is released!


Attention! I am going to fully move to the site, and no more updates will be posted here. You can follow Archtower updates here: And here:

Some New Content Edition Patch v0.2.5 is released!


Archtower is cancelled :(

Skills & Animated Menus Edition Patch v0.2.3 is released!


Uncancelled Edition Patch v0.2.0 is released! Patchnotes:

Now I have twitter account and you can see there tweets about Archtower:

Settings & Upgrades Patch v0.1.8 is released! Patchnotes: