• after boss battle you now have treasure chests with loot and exit gate
• new secret rooms
• new armor pieces - helmets
• maximum level raises to 10, after you beat cultist boss
• head bobbing (can be turned on/off)
• some armor pieces have innate bonuses, for example cloth armor increases your resource pool
• field of view settings
• new weapons - bows
• green loot (better quality), those items have prefixes, item names are generated according to prefixes
• prefixes (hpmax, accuracy, attack spd, cast spd, crit damage, crit%, armor, energy armor, capacity, resists)
• mobs can crit
• second weapon attack (default - 'RMB')
• weapon swap action (default - 'C')
• skillbar shows equipped weapons on weapon attack buttons
• if atack speed goes over 200% it converts to multistrike
• new classes - Archer, Vandal
• rage resourse for STR-based classes, it refills in combat, slowly decreases out of combat, and drops drastically in relax state
• indicator of combat/relax state is shown near hp bar
• heavy armor, heavy helmet (starts to drop after beating first boss)
• shields, shield slam
• energy armor improves from INT stat
• simple blob shadows for objects
• useful keybind tips (weapon swap, camera mode, minimap, skills, inventory) above skillbar is shown (can be turned on/off)
• new perks for skills on 8 and 10 levels
• new tower upgrades, you gain them after beating the boss (faster camp hp regen, hp pots remove bleeds (no bleeding mobs for now, so its useless), roster pool increase +2)
• after you beat boss level you gain notification about new unlocks
• new status effects implemented: bleeds, fear, slowment, weakness (decreases weapon damage)
• new damage type: sonic, has no resists, but strikes for half damage on bosses
• new battle mechanics: partial armor ignore, cast interruption
• license.txt composed to give appropriate credits to some sounds I took from internet, some of them will be replaced by my own ones, but some will stay as they fit perfectly in (like rain sound from intro and goblin sreams)
• minimap remembers your previous explorations
• shop keeper at camp now works, you can buy/sell items with him, from start his stock is short, but it will widen as you conquer the tower
• gray loot implemented, it drops from time to time and can be only sold to merchants, there is a "sell all junk" button in the shop window
• item description pop-up is reworked, also selling/buying cost is now showing there
• added little visual effect to headshots
• batbirds are slightly redrawn to be more spotable
• better movement inertia, some slower movement
• all mobs have decreased running speed, and they dodge a bit less
• coins drop less from barrels, more from chests
• reworked drop lists
• more predictable fire traps on level 1-3
• hp regens at camp much faster
• spike traps do impulse attacks with cooldown
• mellee attack dash removed from main weapon attack, setting for that removed too, dash added to second weapon attack
• boss changes: can be bodyshoted by throwing rock, energy and posion resists are drastically decreased
• you can autoattack if you hold main weapon attack button
• by default primary skill moved from 'RMB' to 'Q', second weapon attack now goes to 'RMB' bind
• simplified requirement to equip, instead of main stats it requires 'masteries', list of those can be seen in class based passive skill description
• stalthed mobs now can be headshotted properly, but they turn completely invisible at some range (based on difficulty)
• attack speed pop-up description now shows multistrike stat, instead of dps
• body and mental resists are based on STR and INT stats
• skill usage cost is shown on skillbar, if resource is not enough skill image goes dark to indicate this shortage
• attack speed bonus from DEX is rebalanced
• changed names for difficulty levels, difficulties have descriptions
• rebalanced swords damage range
• shift for slow movement
• little nerf for damage perk of poison jar
• charge sound is replaced
• better collisions with non attacking enemies
• PP, TP and EP potions now shown on minimap
• damage formulas take weapon speed into account
• bug fixed with wrong working sliders in settings
• bug fixed when difficulty level could be dropped to easy after showing intro text screen and going back after that
• new mouse sensitivity fixes (tests and feedback are needed)
• little fixes for minimap
• no more crazy camera rotations when game window loses focus
• bug fixed when skill upgrades didn't update cooldown info until next tower level
• bug fixed when your speed were affected by toxins only after you drop your movement speed to zero
• other fixes