
4 years ago

Clan Hall & Perks Edition Patch v0.3.3 is released!


• New tower upgrade "Legacy Loot II"
• New trait "Tenacious", after activation replaces with "Survivor" trait
• New trait "Reckless", decreases extra slot weapon cooldown (available to STR, STR+DEX and DEX classes)
• New trait "Especial", +1 perk from start (available to STR, STR+INT and INT classes)
• Quest Log added
• NPC animations for dialog window
• Equipped weapons are shown on the back (can be turn off in settings)
• New equipment: bags, added bag equipment slot
• New equipment: ammo, added ammo slot (ranged weapons could be used without an ammo equip, but would do lesser damage)
• Character will get extra stat points either perk points for every 5 levels
• Added rings and necklaces for item level 1
• Overweight is shown on debuff panel
• New stat "Clarity" - reduces Energy cost of skills, depends on INT, also can be obtained from clan bonuses
• New stat "Evasion"
• New item prefix that increases skill resource pool
• Perk System, 1 perk point for every 10 levels, 12 different perks implemented
• Added 2nd page for "Skills" window, shows traits and perks
• Legacy loot indicator is shown under currency, if you dropped it
• New power crystal: power strike (windup, STR-red)
• New power crystal: critial strike (windup, DEX-yellow)
• New power crystal: fire bolt (fast cast, INT-blue)
• New power crystal: barrel destroyer (long cast, Pet skill-light blue)
• New clan bonus: decreases extraslot weapon cooldown
• New stat "Pet Damage", also as new prefix (for item level over 4), new clan bonus
• New 8 quests
• Added sounds for quest accept/complete
• Added equip system for NPCs (cosmetics)
• Notes system
• Clan's Domain (W.I.P.)
• Smooth transitions between levels and for entering/exiting buildings
• Weaponer in Domain sells weapons and shields
• Armorer in Domain sells armors
• Gemcutter in Domain sells jewelry and crystals (for crystal currency) and gives quests

• "My Patrons" list added to the Credits
• Changes in save system, OLD SAVES WILL BE DELETED (again)!
• On hard enemies can drop green items from the start, for normal you will still need to beat 3rd floor
• Level ups restores health and skill resorce for normal, but only resource for hard
• Furious Roar of Vandalcost decreased from 25 to 20, skill improvement that decreases that cost changed from -5 to -3
• In the Camp and Clan's Domain if you do retirement you automatically pick up previous loot, even if you don't have "Legacy Loot" tower upgrade
• Elves enemies - hp decreased, exp increased
• Trait "Subtlety" is now available only to DEX, INT+DEX and INT classes, INT-1 => INT-2
• Trait "Meteorism" is turned off by default with "Silly Humor" option in settings
• Changed item coloration system , so now you can sort items by color more accurate
• Quest Items are now 'yellow', and skillbooks are 'light blue'
• Quest messages like accepted/completed/picked up is shown on the gui, instead of over enemies and picked items
• STR gives less weight capacity
• Item prefix for weight capacity gives less value
• Added requirements for power crystals
• Removed ability to reroll your character in the tower from Restart option due being outdated mechanic, but you still can go to retirement from Camp/Domain
• You can nomore reroll your roster on title screen
• Gray loot: moldy coin from 4th floor barrel drop changed to damp book, added new gray loot for quest chain location on getting back your land
• Changes for some archetype names
• Faster Rage gaining
• Warrior archetype (Fighter) uses Rage Points instead of Power Points
• Trickster archetype (Poisoner) uses Trick Points instead of Focus Points
• Sold junk to vendor is destroyed, can't be bought back
• To enter relax mode you no more need to not move your mouse
• Clothes give more resource pool as innate bonus
• INT increases Energy pool a bit
• Light armor now have evasion innate bonus
• Fighter passive skill improvement Offensive => Dual-Wield
• Removed traits for poison resist and heal power for being not very interesting
• Overweight affects your abbility to Run Away from tower through Esc menu
• Clan Bonuses: available through character window, no more cost crystals, don't need to visit an npc anymore
• Added damage spread to Multistrike skill and other cleave attacks
• Charge skill: 2nd tier improvement: added "-2 sec cooldown" for left one and "+50% dodge for 1 sec" for right one
• Animated interface: added extra optionin settings, tooltip added
• Charge skill: if you have enough Rage you can trigger autoattack on touching your enemy if you didn't use it manually
• Vagabond class passive skill: accuracy => max damage of sticks
• Power crystal "Multi Strike" has more dependence from STR and DEX
• More blob shadows, even for projectiles like rocks and arrows
• Trait "Sinistral" more properly uses its left hand
• More distinctful usage of right/left hands from first person camera
• Vandal's "Hammering Strike" and Fighter's "Swifty Strikes" skills have 0.5 sec windup
• Buy Back cost of sold item is now the same as sell to vendor cost
• Updated skill description in "Skills" window
• Activating skillbooks unlocks  its skill forever, next characters of this class would automatically get it on certain level
• Sticks are STR-based again, but Vagabond has innate perk that lets you also use DEX for Sticks
• In dialog window it is clear what quest you accepted, what you can accept and what you can complete
• Question/exclamation marks over quest NPCs' heads
• Text notifications on what items you picked up

• Cultist Boss on last phase can take 1 minimum energy damage from burning
• Fixed problem of autoscaling on displays with height over 768 pixels
• Fixed projectile trails
• Appropriate blood splashes and other such decals on ceil as well
• Bandages should show appropriate hp numbers of what you can use them
• Fixed torch lighting overlapping over other sprites
• Fixed shadows overlapping artifacts
• Pick up item tooltip shows if it has [Starter] mod

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Next up

Settings & Upgrades Patch v0.1.8 is released! Patchnotes:

Camp and Banners Edition Patch v0.2.1 is released! Patchnotes:

Archtower is cancelled :(

Attention! I am going to fully move to the site, and no more updates will be posted here. You can follow Archtower updates here: And here:

New Horizons Edition Patch v0.3.0 is released!


Low-Rez and Stash Edition Patch v0.2.2 is released!


Skills & Animated Menus Edition Patch v0.2.3 is released!


Some New Content Edition Patch v0.2.5 is released!


Now I have twitter account and you can see there tweets about Archtower:

Uncancelled Edition Patch v0.2.0 is released! Patchnotes: