
6 years ago

Settings & Upgrades Patch v0.1.8 is released!


• new animated title screen
• title menu with settings, fully working with mouse
• escape menu pauses the game and gives you access to settings
• aim settings (show/hide) added
• battletext settings (show/hide) added
• enemy hp settings (hpbar/digits/hide) added
• blood settings (off/less/normal/more) added
• mouse sensitivity (both axis) added
• keybind settings added, now you can remap almost every action/button as you wish
• volume settings added
• shader settings (show/hide) added
• window mode settings added
• language selection (rus/eng) added
• minimap settings (size and visibility) added
• level unlocks with difficulty modes act separatedly, if you unlock floor at higher difficulty level, it will do so for lower ones, but not vice versa
• now you can loot gold coins and crystals for upgrades
• if you die you will loose your unsaved loot, it saves at level end, also if you have specific tower upgrade, you have a chance to pick it up with next character, if it won’t die in a row
• fire traps now spit out actual jets of fire
• goblins now can activate spikes and even die if hesitated
• npc text speeches are now in speech clouds, kind of
• boss now have flat damage reductions, 5 flat phisical resist, 2 flat elemental, and strongly reduces poisons dot duration
• random roster is added, every time when you get a new char (starting from title menu, or restarting after death), you now have a random roster to pick a new character from a few candidates
• now you have acsess to a camp (wip), there you can buy some upgrades
• tower upgrades (chance to pick up dropped loot, +1 medicine pot from start, pots cure poisons/toxins/burns, +1 random roster increase)
• skill upgrades, stick and sword got straight forward upgrade line, but other skills can be specced in one of two upgrade ways, respecc is possible
• medicine pots now heal over time, but fast as well
• tutorial fixes/changes
• other minor fixes/changes




Next up

Camp and Banners Edition Patch v0.2.1 is released! Patchnotes:

Skills & Animated Menus Edition Patch v0.2.3 is released!


Low-Rez and Stash Edition Patch v0.2.2 is released!


Some New Content Edition Patch v0.2.5 is released!


New Horizons Edition Patch v0.3.0 is released!


Uncancelled Edition Patch v0.2.0 is released! Patchnotes:

Clan Hall & Perks Edition Patch v0.3.3 is released!


Attention! I am going to fully move to the site, and no more updates will be posted here. You can follow Archtower updates here: And here:

Archtower is cancelled :(

Now I have twitter account and you can see there tweets about Archtower: