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8 months ago

Catgirl Sarah, ngl.

I made this in terms of normal art, it is NOT meant to be cringe. And the reason why I made this is because people on Discord requested this.

Wait, you still find this cringe?

Too bad, you can't escape from what I just made; she's immortal.




Next up

Currently developing a new stage for TMA: The Grand Finale.

Nice to see the amount of likes I have had been all filled with my favorite number.

(Or favorite number from my childhood, in case if you become skeptical about it).

My collection is featured on Agesite. Let’s gooo.

Happy #GokuDay! Check your quest log for a way to earn Goku stickers! πŸ‘€

Plus, tell us your favorite memory of Goku in the comments!

Julio! Yep! It's Julio the pigeon! Hey, don't be like that, say hello to Julio, he's still shy around here!

Low poly model of a pigeon, isn't it cute?

So uh…I think you guys can recognize one of these guys…

One of these subscribers of MY channel is extremely controversial.

It’s been creeping around the Scratch communities lately so yeah…

Bro’s gonna get sued.


To start off with something more normal, I’ll just go ahead and share some leaks for SPZ’s new level textures, something that AT has been working on for a couple of hours.

It’s , ngl.