I made these by going through Great Old Ones on a Lovecraft wiki and picking the most interesting looking one of each letter to base a rune on.
There weren't any Great Old Ones that started with D, E, F, L, P, or W, so I used characters from other stuff to base them on.
Here's who each rune is based on
A - Apocolothoth
B - Bokrug
C - Cthulhu
D - Dagon (still Lovecraft, but not a Great Old One)
E - Ego (the living planet from Marvel)
F - Fwank (a monster from an animation from a try not to laugh video I barely remember)
G - Ghatanothoa
H - Hastur
I - Iod
J - Juk-Shabb
K - Krang (a Great Old One, not the TMNT one)
L - Lemon Cat (my cat character)
M - Mordiggian
N - Nug
O - Oorn
P - I just scribbled this one
Q - Quachil Uttaus
R - Rhan-Tegoth
S - Shaurash-ho
T - Tsathoggua
U - Umr At-Tawil
V - Vulthoom
W - The World (Jojo's)
X - I do not remember how to spell or find this one
Y - Yeb
Z - Zushakon