Blockhead 2D

2 years ago

Developing a new Christmas update! You'll be chasing Santa to smash presents! Here's a few sprites as a sneak peak. :)

PS: There will be a price increase after Steam's winter sale, so grab it now while the price is still low!



Next up

A new version of Blockhead 2D has been released with new textures and some bug fixes! Enjoy.

Remaking and restyling some of the sprites for the inventory. Here's the walkie talkie. In-game usage is being developed. More to come.

It's not too late to buy Blockhead 2D for that special someone who wants nothing more than to stomp you upside your head!



Distance Grew 🌿 Finding the space in between what once was

Hey everyone! For this February, I'm developing a new Valentines Day update! Catch Cupid and avoid his arrows. Technical stuff: I made Cupid follow a path, then move left or right depending on where the player is. Here's a small clip of cupid shooting!

heres a short tutorial that i made to help you guys animate rain! Its suuupper simple :D

I wanted to introduce some direction into the game, since a few of Blockhead 2D's mechanics weren't understandable. So, I made it so you must play through all 4 of the characters' tutorials in order to be able to play the rest of the game. Enjoy!

Some areas will be filled with static and you will need this guitar in order to get through them, but you have to find it first. There will also be a soundtrack made by me with my own guitar! Stay tuned, as I will post music from time to time.



Hey there! As promised, here's a gameplay video of the most recent update to show off some of the CPU capabilities and bug fixes. Available on both GameJolt and Steam! Enjoy. :)

Steam version: