Toy Battalion

6 months ago

Devlog 5: Civilians

Now when going through certain areas, you will find civilians, these civilians will be in multiple stages of being wounded, scared, trying to help the wounded.



Next up

Devlog 7: Upgraded Player Model, New Aim Offset, Head Look, and Leopard Crawl.

Made the player model better, added a MUCH better aim offset system, made it so that the player's head turns to your crosshair, and made it so you can Leopard Crawl.

Devlog 3: Main Menu

I added the W.I.P of a functional main menu, you can also see the aim offset in the above video. (I don't have a clue why the vids so low quality but anyway...)

The Crash Site

You knew Olaf, Ale Abbey's fluffy doggo. Prepare to meet Otto the cat, the monastery Cellar's sleepy restless guardian🍻⛪

You will - indeed - be able to pet them in-game for a bonus in Satisfaction!🐈☺️

#indiegame #petthedog #pixelart #screenshotsaturday

Collected new gameplay footage this week. And finally found (and added) a new piece of music that suits the mood of the game

Meet the Sergeant.

Devlog 8: Tank(1)

I made a tank, I have trouble figuring out how fast it should go, but hey, atleast it works, now just need to add the turret rotation, and ability to shoot. It totally didn't take me 100 tutorials to figure out how to do it...

I was worried about how other maps would be handled in co-op, but then I realized each player could be the map-specific host if they're the first/only one there. So many bugs to fix now though!

Devlog 6: Minimap, Better Textures, and Better Green Soldier.

Finally added a minimap to the game along with better textures, also made it so the green soldier doesn't have a helmet, radio/backpack, grenades, or canteen on him normally, meaning: