After Hours at Raichu's [Non-Profit Fan game]
3 months ago

Earliest in-dev gameplay footage of AHaR...?

More info in the article

Hello everyone, it's TFO04 here.

Today marks the third anniversary of the full release of AHaR! woohoo... I don't really have anything new development-wise, but I am going to try and get v1.5 finished and out before the end of March next year. But I wanted to show you a video featuring the earliest known in-development gameplay footage of it.

This video has been sitting unlisted on my youtube channel since mid-April 2021, four months before the first demo's release. I wanted to show some of my friends how much progress was done at the time of making the game. Some noticable differences are that a lot of the art for the rooms and the office are unfinished and unpolished, notably the E. Hall corner has a different floor compared to the rest of the rooms (I was originally going to have the floors of Raichu's Palace be completely blue, instead of blue and yellow tiles. and this is just a preliminary remnant that would later get replaced!)

The A.I. for the characters is also slightly different than version 0.95 and the final game, I would later replace the coding for the A.I. in a similar manner to how the first FNaF game did it. But other than that, the art for the office, rooms and the characters remain the same in the final, just with a little more polish added to them and stuff added. Also the name "spongebobpaul" on the game's date in the main menu is my former alias. I stopped using it in late 2021 when I decided to officially use TheFireOshawott04 as my alias instead.

Well I guess that's it for today's post. More progress on version 1.5 of AHaR is yet to come, but stay tuned. Hope you all have had a great Christmas (If you celebrate it, I know I sure have had a great one) and I'll see you around, take care.

- paul (TFO04)



Next up

A.I. changes [warning: flashing images]

More info below

AHaR old versions page is up!

Read article for info...

soooo I've finished the revamped look of pichu's stage, here's what it looks like in game. I still gotta redraw the images for pichu looking/coming out from the curtains though but the one where it's closed is done so there's that covered, more to come

HI HI HI back from the dead!! And good news? A BRAND NEW RENDER FOR YOU ALL TO ENJOY!

What if Marble zone was in the 8-bit Sonic 1...?

Some mockup thing I made recently, might post the tileset I made to deviantart sometime. Despite similarities these aren't the exact ones used in the sonic 1 SMS remake fan game if you are wondering

Cold Memories | The Fazbear Facility - Teaser

Sonic's ending pose from Advance 1... in classic form instead! I drew this last month, I plan on doing the others as well but I haven't got around to them yet.

Might be for something I will be working on after AHaR v1.5 is done? who knows!

I might not post that much of the update's progress as I wanna let all of you find out some stuff for yourself when it releases.

for now have a w.i.p. of the parts/service redesign...ish

My Birthday + Final Release

merry christmas... and happy 2nd anniversary, AHaR!

more in article.